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Revisiting Jim Rogers mid $900s gold call

  • Monday, December 16 2013 @ 02:24 pm EST
  • Views: 5,811
Gold Jim Rogers does not profess to know exactly where the price of gold will bottom, but back in July he made a (educated) guess in this clip with Fox Business News. He believed that after rising in price for over a decade, a 50% correction from the recent high would be somewhat logical, thus putting a mid $900 per ounce price range on the bottom for gold.

So far it seems that after a bump up the the $1,400s in the fall, the price of gold has been heading in that (lower) direction. We'll have to see how the other commodities, which Jim was also bullish on (he does run a commodities fund), will do.

"(The prices of) Sugar, or rice or other agricultural products are depressed...but I am not selling my gold."

Chart provided by goldprice.org
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